Thank you for sharing this story. I found the discussion regarding the likelihood of an abuser turning into a murderer really significant. I wonder how some of these are assessed and whether there is like some kind of point scale where each of those criteria are assessed and some kind of number is reached.

You point out some systemic and structural factors that may have endangered and ultimately killed Nancy. It is worth pondering why this assessment was not ordered; presumable Giles was under investigation and in the midst of a trial.

One must also wonder whether there are predisposition to these kinds of behaviors, or previous events in the life history of the offender.

As you correctly point out figuring out what increases the likelihood that a person will become violent is pivotal in decreasing the number of violent acts and tragedies.

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Any thoughts on who the possible third victim may be?

"Police say on April 16, 2021, detectives then spoke with a confidential informant, who had reportedly been housed at the Cambria County Prison, at the same time as Giles.

Investigators say the informant detailed a conversation between he and Giles about "getting rid of a body" and Todaro's disappearance.

"I am a professional. I got three under my belt," Giles allegedly told the inmate. Police say Giles then allegedly stated that Todaro was going to leave him and "things got out of control."


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I personally know both victims related to this case, we live in a small city where everybody knows everybody and, considerd both dear friends.

Thank you for sharing their stories, for giving victims of DV a voice. My hope is that this story will reach others in the same situation and, they can find the strength to leave their abusers.

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